... in jeans 1
Milla bare feet was sixteen or seventeen, pretty face. She was small of stature, was wearing the symbol of Venus and of feminism. It was summer, I had finished the fourth year of high school. We met in a labor camp in the summer at the foot of Gran Sasso. Stacker, rags and scrap to finance the construction an artesian well somewhere in the Third World. Milla
I liked but I was not, or still are, very easy reveal in my desires through a courtship. I stood apart from her, perhaps even the never directly addressed the question.
At the end of the field, they all went back in their respective cities. We spent the afternoon departure to Rome. Unaware of the expectation, I threw my coin into the Trevi Fountain. Then we traveled by train at night, heading north. I could take the Tyrrhenian, but I decided to stretch, remain with the group and Milla who was stopped in Bologna, before returning home to Lunigiana .. Lying next to me, gathered on the seats of the compartment, there was Milla. Then I passed a hand around my neck, my lips went to her, kissed her and she let him kiss her. What's the matter? Did not you almost never crap all this time ... We had so
stop in Bologna, home of a volunteer who had more adult home in the center. We arrived very early in the morning. Although tired all the others decided to take a ride into town, except me and Milla, sdraiatisi to sleep on the floor. When we were alone we hold them again. With an enterprise that was previously unknown to me I slipped my hand in jeans, walking down the buttocks, until his wet intimacy. She did the same, choosing the path of the abdomen. Without unbuttoned, we fell back asleep. I had never come to much and my thoughts of the world, until that day tinged with black, suddenly became red.
... in jeans 2
A few years later, I was a student in Rome made off. DSA and I walked into that church by the green door on the corner of the square of the Trevi Fountain. I need to check menstruation. retires in the confessional. A little. And then he cooled his fingers nell'acquasantiera, welcomed the secular contamination of a red becomes transparent.
... breasts 1
Carlos taught me the moves of chess with him and I made my first start. He had a sister one year younger than us that we were peers. Her name was Irene. The blooming two small bumps on the chest by twelve.
that day in his house there was also a friend and play a pillow. Without any malice happened that touched or touched that her nascent breasts. In the heat of the game.
Irene had experience something disturbing. Her face was flushed, his mouth open for the unexpected emotion, his eyes rested on me to try to grasp if you had been guilty intention.
Irene's gaze was always sweet to me. He continued to do so even after this episode.
breast ... 2
My puberty was delayed compared to the rising of some of my classmates. Among them was repeating that ruled over us like a man without beard. I had been in full hormonal development, however, I never acted like they did one day.
leaving school we were in a group walk along a narrow sidewalk. I was the last in line. We were meeting a girl and our bully ordered. When we meet, we put all the hand on her breast. It 'so it was that she had to go through that yoke, making them almost breathless for the unexpected brutality.
passed in silence through the group that looked into her face. Only I rispettai, thanks to good team that abuse .. A few weeks after my family left Paris and I never saw the bad company.
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