Dear RAI - Italian Television Spa
Subject: FP/ABB/SA/SS/8206375147
In reference in your object to inform you that I have no TV in my house and I therefore will not be bound subscription that I had requested.
add that over the last twenty years I have received at least a dozen similar letters. The basket is usually all arrival did not consider having to consider (Indeed, perhaps only one I have answered, telling you not to be interested in the service).
I think it appropriate to underline that the routine assumption that each family or individual must be, without exception, in possession of radio, television, I was a little annoyed. I agree to be part of a tiny minority. However, in my case, it is.
The TV certainly has been part of my childhood, but then I have not felt any need.
recognize its value, its usefulness, its role in society. I am aware of the importance that it takes to fill the memory of every individual, and in enriching the knowledge that settle in his mind.
sedimentation may be indelibly the visual world events through the screen are printed in the lobes of my brain.
The first human foot resting on the surface lunale in July 1969, for example. I remember well the hesitation of Armstrong still hanging on the ladder of the LEM. He was prudent and provides spectacular or he felt the sense of its desecration era?
And even the football World Cup final in Mexico City between Brazil and Italy in 1970.
then I was the son of immigrants in France, at the time of De Gaulle. Saragat was for me a vague name, and the beautiful country knew the grandparents' tobacco drying sheds of the Tuscan and Venetian ones, during the summer holidays
The TV was in black and white, which is why I had made the 'idea that the shirt of our national team was green, for the simple equation between the two tricolor flags: blue (red white) for France and then green (white red) for Italy.
I note again. The news of the death of Mao on the evening news in 1976.
one less (a communist), I thought happily. Only a few months my right to vote, and the youth gave the Christian Democrats, the Italian Social Movement and then the Radical Party. Kissing women then left, then I distributed my preferences on the symbols with the hammer and sickle: PduP, Proletarian Democracy, PCI, Communist PRC.
Just as a friendship with Walter I put in a last ics over the Democratic Party, the policies of 2008 (but it was a horn rival entrepreneur of your valuable company).
I'm going back and continued the announcement October 16, 1978 by the late Cardinal Pericles Felici. Habemus papam ... ... Wuòtiwua, spoke immediately after, surprising for a split second the smile in the world. The Black Pope!, I rejoiced. They have elected the Black Pope of the prophecy of Nostradamus ...!
Twenty years later I went to live outside the family, I stopped by the evening watching TV, and finally began to enjoy myself.
Occasionally, TV continued to make "pictures made by me has ever lived."
A friend's house, I witnessed in disbelief but distressed at the bombing of Baghdad during the first Gulf War, in a coffee shop, years later, without comment emotional, the destruction of the Twin Towers.
Dear RAI SpA, I repeat, a television at home I do not want it. I do not like the noise and visual intrusion of the world within the home. In the evening, I love to live "outside world".
So do not fear the bogeys. Ben's findings are the Financial Administration of the State.
have already come to me in the eighties.
But how? Even a small black and white TV?
No, no, he wants to enter a check?
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