When the energy comes from waves
now go down in the big
technology still in its infancy, but the big global companies are moving
: waves, currents, tides as new renewable sources
(It remains to be understand the environmental impact of this plant)
Cristina Nadotti
is an immense field, which occupies over 70% of the surface of the planet and now we are discovering the great global energy companies. Waves, currents, tides are the new renewable energy sources on which they have set their eyes, and now try to get your hands on giants such as Chevron. The ability to extract energy from the movements of the sea is studied for the past one hundred years and in the 70s, coinciding with the first oil crisis, the search intensified. When oil prices fell, around 1980, the idea of \u200b\u200bharnessing marine energy was set aside, but now environmental concerns and the renewed rise give impetus to the oil industry. The World Energy Council (WEC) in London in 2007 estimated that 15 percent of world electricity needs could be met by plants to exploit the wave of the sea. This would double the amount currently produced by nuclear power plants. Plus there would be currents and tides.
Colossi attack. The first company to bet on energy marina was the Enersis, which in 2005 signed an agreement to build a plant in northern Portugal. When the agreement was announced appeared to be a revolutionary step. A few years later to bet more and more energy marine and between traditional energy companies have always voted. "Chevron is exploring the ocean energy technologies - said the spokesman for a subsidiary of the giant oil company U.S. business daily Wall Street Journal - and is considering the possibility of cooperating with us." The issue is cooperation in obtaining a permit from the U.S. Committee for Energy, needed to start a project of exploitation of marine energy in Alaska. It is not just a signal, especially when you consider that in Alaska the U.S. continues to extract oil and recently President Bush launched a plan for new drilling.
In addition to Chevron are the Verdant Power Inc. of New York and New Jersey's Ocean Power to take the street energy that comes from the sea and the amount invested so far, although it is not known in detail, according to observers show an interest rise.
technology to be developed. Experts speak of a technology still in its infancy, partly because marine energy not escape all the questions on the environmental impact. For now, some plants such as Portugal or Scotland are small and do not seem to create serious problems to the ecosystem. To produce energy on a large scale, however, you should use technologies with greater environmental impact. And the choices are many: Ocean Power, for example, uses a system of buoys linked together. The force of wind, which moves the buoys up and down is converted pressure hydraulic pistons and cylinders inside the floats. The pressure spins a turbine which in turn powers a generator. The electricity is sent ashore via underwater cables. Currently there are four such plants being planned, pending federal approval only of the energy could be used for a military installation.
The Verdant Power, however, already produces energy for a shopping mall and a parking lot using six underwater turbines in the East River in New York. The movement of water when the tides are spins the turbine blades, creating a rotational movement that powers a generator. The Verdant said he has a long list of customers waiting the necessary permissions for use of energy.
After the waves, the tides. Of particular interest, say the Institute for Research in electricity, worth at this time the potential of the tides. Although this is an intermittent phenomenon, the tide is more predictable than wind, sun or waves and therefore more reliable as a source of energy. It is the energy of the tides that states like New York, Maine and Alaska, along with others that overlook the coast, have already invested 7 million and a half dollars in 2008 and planned investments of up to 35 million for 2009.
Source: altrogiornale.it
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