Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Im 13 And I Have A Dildo

All ships of poisons

Andrea Palladino
seems to have a certain name of the merchant ship spotted the wreckage at the bottom of the Tyrrhenian Sea, twenty nautical miles (approximately 38 km) from the port of Cetraro, in the province of Cosenza. For the Prosecution of Paola the probability that it is the Cunski - as anticipated by the poster Friday - a cargo vessel out in 1956 by British shipyards, is extremely high.
From the first analysis of the video made by the robot Rav shows that the bow has a large hole, with the flaps sheet facing outward sign of a possible explosion on board. "Next to the ship - says the prosecutor Paolo Giordano Bruno - there are two barrels," where they were taken of samples sent for laboratory analysis.
Everything is therefore think that the wreck is really the first "ship to lose," used to transport - one way - of toxic and radioactive waste. The last owner of the cargo turns out to be a society of owners based in Saint Vincent, West Indies. This is the Alzira Shipping Corporation, as is clear from the archives Starke-Schell Registers British, one of the most reliable sources for reconstructing the history of a vessel. The company bought the ship in 1991 by another company, changing its name from a Cunski Shahinaz. From the log-Cunski Shahinaz is then demolished at Alang January 23, 1992.
The figures, at least for now, are these. Final identification and proof of the wreck will probably arrive in the coming days, when they analyzed the many images that the underwater robot is still collecting. The next step - the hardest - is to identify the cargo, the port of origin and the company that organized the transport. The reconstruction of the chain of responsibility will be the starting point to begin to shed light on the season of craft poisons. A sea of \u200b\u200bwaste

The Cunski - or better yet, the Shahinaz - is just one of many ships to lose than to the late 80s and early 90s were taken down with deadly cargo. The environmental groups - Legambiente, Greenpeace and WWF - in the 90s had reported a list of ships vanished into thin air. Reports and studies delivered to the bicameral committee on waste, which for years has dealt with each other.
was a particularly detailed informal list prepared by Greenpeace: six ships, with contact details of the alleged sinking. This is the Four Star I, the Years, the Commander Rocio, the Euroriver of Irini and Marco Polo. All cargo ships that today would be on the bottom of the Tyrrhenian Sea, loaded with waste. In some cases it is already possible found the data provided by Greenpeace with shipping registers. The site of the sinking Euroriver, for example, corresponds perfectly with what was declared by the shipowners. It will, however, must ensure that all ships are in some way involved. That's what today requires the Attorney Paul is the Regional Councillor Greek environment.
No response has ever come from the Italian state, which has essentially ignored the issue until today. If the region were enough Calabria € 70 000 and a few days of searching to locate and film the Cunski, little or nothing has been done by the Ministry of Environment or the merchant navy. No shipping, no task force, Rav no mandate to verify the presence of the wrecks. Only now, after the clamor of the discovery, the Minister Prestigiacomo promises government support to retrieve the Cunski, without specifying whether they will be searched for the other vessels. The involvement of governments

On August 3, 2004, after several questions and questions, the then Minister for Parliamentary Relations Carlo Giovanardi gave a sort of Deputies in the official version on the whole affair. And they are heavy words: "It showed a clear overlap between these activities and illegal arms trafficking." Traffic that has enjoyed, according to Giovanardi, institutional protections: "A number of elements - continued the Minister - that indicate the involvement in traffic governments of both institutional and outside Europe, as well as members of organized crime and unscrupulous characters, including the famous Giorgio Comerio.
Ships to lose are nothing more than the tip of the iceberg. In addition to the institutional complicity and direct action of organized crime - the laborers for the "dirty work" - there are obviously companies. They are called stakeholders, are the mediators that have the logistics, knowledge of the field, the network of contacts. A name is already widely known. It's Jelly Wax, who organized most of the trips of vessels for non-European countries such as Lebanon and Venezuela. But the origin of the chain are especially large industries, producers of waste. "To feed the illicit market - he wrote the committee of inquiry on waste October 25, 2000 - are also the industries of national importance and international, including substantial equity holdings in public." Industries that have used the semi-clandestine network of vessels to lose to get a 'disposal at the lowest cost, with no control over the final destination of the waste'.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Can You Take Benadryl With Larazapram

Italy: Berlusconi creates a new right-wing party

Dae Marianne Arens

April 14, 2009 This article was previously published in English on 8 April 2009.

In late March, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has founded a new right-wing party in Rome. He joined his party, Forza Italy, who had originally founded in 1994 by the neo-fascist National Alliance (AN), led by Gianfranco Fini, to create the right-wing party People of Freedom (PDL).

The two right-wing parties of Berlusconi and Fini, who worked together over the past 15 years, have already used the same name-the People of Freedom-for election campaigns and as a coalition partner in government. In addition to Italy Force and the National Alliance , belongs new training a number of smaller parties, including far-right Social Action led by Alessandra Mussolini, granddaughter of Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.

The foundation of the party took place in Rome in a large room usually reserved for pop concerts. Berlusconi was "elected" the only leader the new party by some six thousand cheering delegates. There were rival candidates. The so-called "conference" was a media event constructed entirely around the figure of Berlusconi. The crowd repeatedly shouted "Silvio, Silvio" waving flags and tricolored Forza Italy, while echoing the melody of the amplifiers Forza Italy , Already used in the election campaign as a hymn to Silvio. In fact as the refrain: "President, we are with you, luckily for Silvio."

The procession has cost three million euro, was attended by 750 journalists and was broadcast around the country for at least three national television stations.

The internal structure of the new party is entirely subject to the "president"-preferred title from its leader. The PDL is devoid of any democratic structure. "The President" shall appoint the members of the Presidency and the Executive Committee as well as the three coordinators of the party and has the last word when it comes to selecting candidates for the party in European elections, national and regional.

In his speech at the conference, Berlusconi called for a "liberal revolution, civil and popular." He explained what he meant, referring to the need for "a better government for Italy" and "more power to the prime minister." In the future, as head of government is empowered to appoint and dismiss ministers and the right to arbitrarily dissolve Parliament. Both powers are currently within the purview of the authority of the President.

Berlusconi's contempt for the parliamentary rules and conventional rules was already clear before the convention, when he proposed that only the parliamentary group leaders should be present during the vote and should vote in Parliament on behalf of all their parliamentary group.

The only person to criticize the attack on the democratic procedure of Berlusconi was Gianfranco Fini, leader for many years National Alliance and current president of the Chamber. In his speech to the congress, Fini reminded delegates that the government has a duty to respect the opposition and rights of foreigners: "We should not be afraid of foreigners, just that we are children of a nation of immigrants," said Fini.

Fini's comments are not motivated by any concern for the future of democracy in Italy, but rather reflect a power struggle that takes place within the leadership of the new party. Purpose is not only a traditional political ally of Berlusconi, but its main rival. Fini sees himself as the political heir of the leader of the party, who is fifteen years older, but is concerned that the autocratic tendencies of Berlusconi might ruin his chances.

Fini's National Alliance has emerged in 1994 from the ashes of Italian Social Movement, which had its roots in Mussolini's Fascist movement. In the course of a long process that culminated in his visit to the shrine of memory Yat Vashem in Israel in 2003, Fini has sought to distance themselves from the fascist elements more extreme in his party and make it more acceptable political all'establishment AN Italian bourgeois. Shortly after his trip to Israel, was appointed foreign affairs minister Berlusconi.

Today, once again Fini can stretch his hand to his hardline fascist. As in the case of Alessandra Mussolini, these elements are welcome in the new party.

Other members of NA to speak at the Rome Congress were Gianni Alemanno, a former driver and current mayor of crazy fascist in the Italian capital, and the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa Benito. Alemanno has boasted that it has taken control of Rome for the first time after fifty years of government of the left. La Russa has used his speech to announce a doubling of the number of troops to be used for internal security operations in the coming months. La Russa has been appointed coordinator of the Executive Committee of the PDL, a place that is second only to Berlusconi.

few weeks ago, Russia and Berlusconi issued a decree authorizing private citizens to carry out patrols (called "rounds") during the night time, so as to legalize the violent activities of gangs virtually right racist towards immigrants. The government is deliberately using refugees without a residence permit as scapegoats to divert attention from the social crisis of the country and at the same time deploy the army to civilian use.

Social tensions

With his new party, Berlusconi has obtained a level of personal authority that clearly violates the most basic democratic norms and embodies clear Bonapartist tendencies. He is one of the richest men in the country, has a huge media empire and controls the six largest national and private television stations. At the same time, is the head of the government and controls the largest party and currently the most influential of the country.

The centralization of all these roles in one man, however, rather than a sign of strength indicates a deeper social and political crisis in the country. The democratic mechanisms used in past to reduce the class contradictions have been exhausted. The so-called opposition parties, including the so-called "left" of Rifondazione are completely discredited by years of collaboration in the government led by Romano Prodi. Berlusconi is poised like a circus performer on the growing social contradictions and is trying to maintain control of the situation with a combination of deafening propaganda, compliant and subservient media, campaigns, and sheer power of racist police. It is a policy that will not succeed long term.

Italy has a long and unbroken tradition of militant Labor disputes and is currently experiencing the deepest crisis in its economic history since the war. Immediately after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, the country has slipped into recession. In the first two months of this year, more than 370,000 jobs have been lost. The OECD predicts that this year the Italian economy will shrink by 4.3 percent.

Even before the crisis, the Italian public debt was among the highest in Europe and threatened to become unmanageable. The only contribution of Berlusconi to resolve the crisis was completely underestimated its consequences. In early March, he announced: "Enough with the disaster, the situation is heavy, but not tragic."

Meanwhile, the country's social crisis has deteriorated dramatically. In the south of the country one in four households lives in poverty. As was the case in the seventies, hundreds of thousands of people head to the north in search of work, even if unemployment is also increasing in industrialized regions. The increased

Italian industry, Fiat has announced that it intends to close a factory. The company, heavily in debt, has already lost several thousand jobs over the past five years, through a combination of "restructuring" and "streamlining". In late March, workers reacted to the plan to close the headquarters of Pomigliano D'Arco near Naples with a block of the street which was then interrupted forcibly by the police.

Opposition without claws

The new Berlusconi's party is so strong and powerful only because the opposition official policy is absolutely weak and useless. Merely a place begging to Berlusconi at the negotiating table to find "joint solutions" to exit from the economic crisis.

On April 4, just a week after the creation of the new Berlusconi's party, up to 2.7 million people demonstrated in Rome for a week against the government's economic policy. The message given to the demonstrators by the head of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani, was a pathetic call for a "round table for the fight against the economic crisis. "Berlusconi scoffed at the requests of the event and said sarcastically that it was useless," as a strike against the rain. "

Epifani is an important member of Democratic Party, whose president is Walter Veltroni has resigned in a state of frustration a month ago following a major defeat at the polls of the party in Sardinia. Veltroni, a former member of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and for a long time mayor of Rome, he founded the Democratic Party in 2007, using as model Americans, Democrats led by Barack Obama.

The new party president is Dario Franceschini, a Democrat related to Margaret, a minority of the current PD. This means that for the first time Democratic Party, which has its roots in the former PCI-powerful, now led by a Democrat.

before the return of Berlusconi to power the country was ruled for two years by a so-called center-left coalition led by Romano Prodi. These two years have been sufficient to remove large sections of the working population, more and more disappointed by the conservative policies of this coalition in which the parties successors PCI formed the largest parliamentary group.

A particularly insidious role was played by the organization Refoundation Communist Which took place in the Prodi government and ministerial support all the shameful activities of the government. In the elections of 2008, then the party has lost all its seats in Parliament. Its policies are largely responsible for opportunistic impressive success of Berlusconi. Today, the party is in a phase of autoframmentazione public.

The working class responded with militancy in the financial and economic crisis. The class conflicts have reached unprecedented intensity. The forms of parliamentary government and the forms of compromise developed in the post-war period to reduce social conflicts have proven to be increasingly ineffective. The country is on the verge of great class struggles.

At the same time, there are huge dangers posed by the decline and by the treachery of the old workers' organizations. Berlusconi's new party has a blowhard spectacle of itself, but hides a deep conflict in the superficial impression of harmony. However, the influence of fascist elements in growth, who have never won more than 12 percent of the vote in elections and now are considered the heirs of Berlusconi, is a warning signal. The Italian working class has suffered at the hands of the fascists because it lacked a clear and specific guidance.

The task of establishing an alternative Marxist articles from the needs of working class independent of all bourgeois interests and defending the Socialist International and a program has never been so urgent. To this end, it is necessary to construct a section of the Fourth International in Italy.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Roulette Expected Value Calculator

Crisis of the rich, poor way of the cross Children of Guantanamo


Tradutzioni dae Roger Fornoni

Darwin's theories of evolution after taking a divergent dynamics. Two species may be descended from a common time to time, the species themselves may disappear gradually or abruptly, but never end up with the two species merge into one. There is no mixing is not within the same species. In the long run, a hen and a man are distant relatives, descendants of some reptile, and each one represents a positive response of life in the struggle for survival.

words, diversity is the form in which life grows and adapts to different environments and different conditions. Diversity and life are synonymous to the biosphere. Vital processes tend toward diversity but at the same time are an expression of unity, the biosphere, Gaia, the exuberance of life in permanent struggle to survive in hostile surroundings of its own miracle.

For the same reason, cultural diversity is a requirement for the life of humanity. That is, however, and could be sufficient reason, diversity is not limited to avoiding the boredom of monotony, but is also vital part of our survival as humanity.

Nevertheless, it was us humans are the only species that has replaced the natural and prudent replacement of species with an artificial and threatening destruction, the looting and the contamination of industrial consumerism. Those of us who support a possible but not inevitable "progress of history" based on knowledge and the exercise of equal-liberty, can see that humanity, so often put in danger of extinction by itself, has achieved some successes have allowed to survive and live with their increasing muscle strength. And yet, we did not add anything good to the rest of nature. In many respects, this natural process of trial and error, we have regressed or maybe our mistakes have become exponentially more dangerous.

Consumerism is one of these errors. That insatiable appetite has little or nothing to do with progress towards a possible but unlikely, was not hungry, post-scarcity, rather it has to do with a more primitive era of greed and gluttony. We are not saying that has to do with an animal instinct, because not even the lions monopolize the savanna or practice the extermination routine of their victims, and because even the pigs are sated from time to time.

The culture of consumerism has its limitations in several respects. First, it contradicted the aforementioned condition, overcoming cultural differences, replacing them with its trinkets or creating a universal pseudo diversity where a worker or a mechanic German Japanese can use to two days a Peruvian crafts made in China can enjoy five or days of the most beautiful Venetian blinds imported from Taiwan before they fail to overuse. Second, because it also threatened the ecological balance with its unlimited extractions and its returns in the form of immortal garbage.

Concrete examples we can observe around us. We could say that it is fortunate that a worker could enjoy the amenities that were once reserved only for the upper classes, the unproductive classes, the consumer classes. Nevertheless, this consumption-induced cultural and ideological pressure-converted many times in the final work and an instrument of the economy. This, logically, means that the individual-instrument was converted to half of the economy as an individual-consumer.

In almost all developed countries or in the process of this "model of development," the furniture that invades the markets are designed to last a few years. Or a few months. They are nice, they look good as almost everything in the culture of consumption, but if we look closely they are scratched, missing a screw or be square. Every day more exotic is the concern of my family of carpenters to improve the design of a chair so that it would last a hundred years. Use of new mobile-and-throw not worry us too much because we know that it costs little and that in two or three years going to buy some new ones, which means more interest and in the decoration of our homes and our offices and mainly stimulates the world economy. According to current theory, what we throw away here helps the development industry in some poor country. For this we are good, because we are consumers.

But this furniture, even the cheapest ones, have consumed trees, burned fuel in their long journey from China or Malaysia. The logic of "dispose of it after use," which is the most reasonable for a plastic syringe, a law becomes necessary to stimulate the economy and maintain the perpetual growth of GDP, with its crises and their causes phobias when the fall a recession of two percent. To overcome the crisis must increase the drug. The United States alone, for example, spend millions of dollars so that its residents to consume, to spend, spend millions of dollars to escape the madness of the recession in the world so that it can continue to spin, consuming and discarding.

But this waste as cheap as they are-consumerism is based on the economic goods, use throw-away, which makes it almost impossible for the recycling of durable goods-have pieces of wood, plastic, batteries, steel pipe , screws, glass and even plastic. In the United States all this and more goes into the trash-even in this time called for the wrong reasons "great crisis" - while in poor countries, poor people are looking for that garbage. In the long run, whoever ends up consuming all the garbage is the nature as humanity continues to suspend the changes in their lifestyle in order to emerge from recession and to support economic growth.

But what does "economic growth", what does this two or three per cent that haunt the world, from North to South from East to West?

The world is convinced that it is in a terrible crisis. But the world has always been in crisis. Now the crisis is defined as worldwide because (1) moves forward and hits the economy of the richest, (2) the paradigm of development has simplified its hysteria spread to the rest of the world, undermining its legitimacy. But in the U.S. people are still flooding the shops and restaurants and their cuts never involve hunger, even in a situation of gravity in which millions of workers without jobs. In our peripheral countries a crisis means children begging in the street. In the U.S., it means consumers who consume a little 'less while they await the next government.

To end this "crisis", experts squeeze the brain and the solution is always the same: to increase consumption. Ironically, increasing consumption by lending people their own money through the large private banks that receive the rescue aid government. It is not just to save some banks, but above all, to save an ideology and culture that can not survive if you do not receive frequent injections ad hoc financial incentives, which promote the war industry and control popular participation, and drugs that stimulate, soothe and anesthetize the sake of a common good.

really emerged from the crisis when the world returns to a five percent growth through the stimulation of consumption in rich countries? We will not be preparing the next crisis?, A real-human and ecological crisis-and not an artificial crisis like the one we have now? When we realize that this is not really a crisis but just a warning or an opportunity to change our habits?

Every day is a crisis because every day we choose a path. But there are crises that are a long way of the cross and others that are critical because, for the oppressed to the oppressors that means a double possibility: the confirmation of a system or its annihilation. So far the former has prevailed on the second due to a lack of alternatives. But one must never underestimate the story. Nobody would have ever thought of an alternative to medieval feudalism or slave system. Or almost nobody. The history of the last thousand years shows that the utopians had predicted an exaggerated precision. But, as today, the utopians have always had a bad reputation. Why are the denigration and discredit the dominant forms that each system has always had to keep the number of people with too much imagination.

Originally from: Crisis de los ricos, Via Crucis de los Pobres

Original article published in February 2009

The author

Jorge Majfud author is associate professor of Tlaxcala, the network of translators for linguistic diversity. This article is reprinted as provided they respect the integrity and author are cited, translators, editors and source.

URL of this article on Tlaxcala: http://www.tlaxcala.es/pp.asp?reference=7209&lg=it

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Design Ur Own Belt Buckle

William Fisher, People's Weekly World Newspaper - English Translation www.resistenze.org for by the Documentation Centre of Culture and Popular

Omar Khadr

NEW YORK, February 5, 2009 - Legal experts and human rights activists have appealed to the public to remember "child soldiers" of Guantanamo detainees in the prison where they are "the worst of the worst".

Since the symbolic detention center in Cuba opened in 2002, about 22 children were imprisoned there. Contrary to the Protocol on the Rights of the Child United Nations, all except three, were housed with adult prisoners, despite the obligation to promote "the physical and psycho-social rehabilitation and social reintegration of children who are victims of armed conflict. "

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and many other senior officials of the George W. Bush repeatedly has described all the Guantanamo detainees as "the worst of the worst."

human rights advocates insist on two particular cases of child soldiers.

Mohammed el-Gharani, a resident citizen of Chad in Saudi Arabia, was only 14 when he was captured by Pakistani forces in October 2001 during a raid on a mosque in Karachi, Pakistan, 1,200 kilometers away from the battlefield Afghanistan.

lawyers who defend El-Gharani said that the boy was treated with appalling brutality. They say that after being tortured while in Pakistani custody, was sold to the U.S. military who have flown to a prison at Kandahar where he witnessed the boy, one of the soldiers "held my penis with scissors and told me that he would amputee."

The lawyers argue that arrived at Guantanamo, his treatment has not improved. Continually subjected to racist abuse because of the color of his skin, was hanged by the wrists on several occasions, and was also subjected to a regime of "enhanced investigation techniques" [American expression that means torture] to prepare him for interrogation. These included prolonged sleep deprivation, prolonged isolation and difficulties in maintaining long painful positions: that clearly constitute torture.

As a result of these and other forms of abuse, including regular beatings by the guards responsible for suppressing even the most minor infractions, el-Gharani fell into a deep depression and has repeatedly tried to commit suicide.

But last month, just days before the inauguration of President Barack Obama, a federal judge, Richard Leon, ruled that it is claimed that the government had failed to establish the status of enemy combatant and el-Gharani decided that the boy should have been released and repatriated "without delay". Judge Leon said the government had relied primarily on information from by two other prisoners at Guantanamo, whose credibility and reliability were questionable. However, it is unlikely that el-Gharani be released soon because it is not clear whether the government of Chad will accept it.

In the last month, federal judges in Washington, as requested by defense lawyers, reviewed on a case by case basis, the charges against about 200 detainees. The review by civil courts of the territory of the United States, continues through June 2006 issued a ruling of the Supreme Court, which granted to persons suspected of terrorism to challenge their detention before a federal court.

The Bush administration had said that el-Gharani was housed in Afghanistan in a house belonging to al Qaeda, who had participated in the battle of Tora Bora - Osama bin Laden where he fled in late 2001 - and has been rolling for senior al Qaeda. He was also accused of being a member of an al Qaeda cell based in London.

The other "child soldiers" still detained at "Gitmo" is Omar Khadr. He was arrested in Afghanistan at age 15 and his trial was under way when, with one of his first presidential decrees, Obama has suspended for 120 days all the proceedings of the Military Commission, pending an examination of individual cases and has also provided a team of experts from various government agencies to examine the system used by the Military Commission and to suggest possible alternatives for use in prosecutions.

Khadr was born in Toronto and is the only citizen of a western country currently imprisoned in Cuba by U.S. authorities. He was captured after a battle with fire in the village of Ayub Kheyl, Afghanistan, which lasted four hours, and has spent the last six years at Guantanamo. He is charged with war crimes, supporting terrorism and throwing a grenade that killed a U.S. soldier.

But according to lawyers present at the hearing, the charges against him were unfounded. From U.S. military documents came to light inadvertently revealed that the first reports Khadr did not indicate how the person who had thrown the grenade and that further testimony of witnesses for the government proved "unreliable."

One of the lawyers said: "There was little hope that the impossibility of proving the allegations would put difficulties in the prosecution. A guilty verdict was almost predictable.

Gabor Rona, legal director for the international organization Human Rights First, told our correspondent that the case against Khadr "must be rejected in toto." It noted that Khadr was 15 when he was arrested.

"If the process continues - and no matter in what capacity - will the first example of a child soldier brought to trial in a U.S. court for actions taken in time of war. This would be contrary to the principles of international law, which invite us to protect and rehabilitate, but to punish the child soldiers, "said Rona.

He added:" What he is accused - defense against an attack by U.S. soldiers - is not a crime under the laws of war. Bringing a person prosecuted for actions that do not violate any legal standard when they were made is instead defined as a war crime in international law and is also a violation of the U.S. Constitution. "

The Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has refused to intervene if Khadr and refused to seek extradition in Canada, while the process was underway. But Rona told our reporter that Canada and the United States is talking about a possible return to Canada of the young.

"It is not clear whether this will happen, and if so, under what conditions," said Rona. According

reliable surveys, 64 percent of Canadians expressed a favorable opinion on the return of Khadr to Canada, and national and international organizations such as Amnesty International and the dawn of the Canadian Lawyers have appealed to the conservative government to bring Khadr home .

Rona maintained that: "The issue of child soldiers is particularly noted when the sensitivity Western societies are offenses of enrollment of teenagers to fight in civil wars. The outrage curiously subsides when the child is one of ours, 'enrolled' in this case by her father, a known supporter of al Qaeda. Prime Minister Harper, however, seems deaf to the prayers of UNICEF and other defenders of children. "

He added:" Americans witnessed a decade of abuse of their Constitution is an increasingly urgent demand that Bush and his accomplices accountable for illegal actions committed at home and abroad, Canadians should also think Mr. Harper guilty of trampling on the rights of one of his countrymen. "

Original article :

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fridge Cools But Buzzes


Nell 'jump Quirra plateau, a vast wilderness area divided between the territories of Perdasdefogu (province of Nuoro, in the north ) Villaputzu and, to a lesser extent, San Vito, experimental polygon is installed Europe's largest. All sorts of destructive device (including non-conventional weapons) is tested in this extended militarized zone - even leased to private companies known - which includes some small village inhabited by ordinary people and pastors has long been accustomed to all sorts of "special effect". For several years, alongside the advancement of weapons technology, residents adjacent to the operational area, the military bases used, people of all backgrounds, including young age, began to suffer from serious diseases, to quickly produce a dramatic increase in the incidence rate of local tumor. The fear has spread among the people of the area, often in ignorance of the real correlations between weapons and disease, could not help but groped to spread the word, giving rise to a general discomfort and gradual depopulation of the area. The term Quirra
Syndrome, coined to define the multitude of "disastrous coincidences" related to the use of the homonymous polygon, is too mild to describe the terrible experiences of the inhabitants of those lands, poisoned by the remnants of war, but also the pain of impotence. Independent researchers, physicians and some institutions have been involved in the case assumption as the cause of these effects, the spread of radar equipment, heavy metals and nanoparticles in the environment. This is the kind of pollution released by the sophisticated weapons of today (and their support systems) which, compared to those of a few decades ago, have devastating effects even after the detonation. Just think of the widespread use of depleted uranium ammunition that has been at the center of endless controversy by Guarro Gulf today. Without controversy, mostly from ordinary people, unaware of the materials and technologies used in these operations, but well aware of the effects suffered.
short, experimental devices tested on people whose health, it seems, when it comes to "defense" is always passing by in the background. When there are certain interests at stake, is already known, adverse effects are only considered as potential "collateral damage". During the exercises are forbidden access to certain areas that are just after ricondivise, remorselessly, with local pastors. So for the areas of sea where for short periods are told not to fish. As if metals and toxic chemicals are neutralized in quick times in the ecosystem, rather than in entire decades as demonstrated by numerous research. Today over 35 000 hectares of land under constraint Sardinian military servitude.
fetal deformities in humans and animals, contamination of soil and ground water, mortality rates are skyrocketing and sheer terror, now more than ever, the characteristics of this portion of the Sardinia region of incredible beauty, but, paradoxically, also the scene of unimaginable wickedness.
Quirra - depleted uranium dust (part 1) by roch3s imprentau dae: http://coscienzaevoluta.blogspot.com/