For the second time in December, we stopped for a while 'our broadcasts today, God willing, it will bring - we hope - regularly.
From the pre-Christmas post December 15, major events have occurred.
The first is certainly the conclusion of the service in the Province of Roberto Piccinini, one of our editors.
After almost thirty-seven years service has now been passed into the category of pensioners "to make time" from 1 January.
From January 3 is closed to this day at home to influence and various mishaps of the season. As early
"pensionaggio" 's
and prop nice!
Anyway - guess what '! - He is now linking dell'exGenerale and "that other". Can finally give them the "you" because of pensioners no longer the hierarchy than that of the weight of the boarding house money, but that's another story. Ah yes, now they are all there together on the bench. Soon, we believe, should be added also the last that still stands (banzai!), but ....
now the opinions are, they all agree ... so on!
Beyond this digression, we believe that the sooner our Roberto comment on what it means, according him, "go" or "feel" or "being" retired this aspect so important to our lives.
But being "retired" from work, do not mean to be "quiescent" that is "quieted" or "at rest" nor, even less, "appeasement".
means having more time to continue to deal with "things of the province, that is - as stated in the subtitle of the blog - the" News & reviews, minutes from Palazzo Ghilini & waste books ", certainly more freedom than before. Guaranteed!
We will probably have a new column here at Ghilini "thoughts & words from the bench, so the
banche'nna Suta the Lea.
The other notable thing was the staff of the Assembly which he had said in the post on 15 December.
Comments about this moment so important participatory were diverse, because we liked the Organizing unions have presented each with its own original position.
Heck, we're not the
Praesidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR where the deceased had to be all Kompatta, granite, hard and aligned. But go there! What happened to UA!
Each union has its own strategy and identity that result from the composition of its members, and then most of the interest they will protect. We seen and we see it, we've found and we ensure at every step and minute by minute. Just look at the absences or attendance at meetings in relation to the matters to be discussed, the procedures performed, even the facial expressions or the physicality and tone of voice when working well, why not say, how to cope with the Treating delegation and political leadership and management of the organization.
Tiziana Rivera and I know others who have spoken repeatedly and harshly, will disagree, but as each person is different from others physically, character, ability, etc.. such associations, as human society, have the same and identical differences. Moreover it is precisely the diversity and enrich the biodiversity created.
We felt, however, that the harshness of public assistance from other colleagues was due to the need to "blow off steam with someone," It is easy to fire on fellow unionists charging them every abomination!
We would like those colleagues also expressed bitterness that public managers or the directors ... and yes, it is difficult because in these cases is at most risk and then mumbles, with colleagues, no, if that is the case, they will cover of insults, while ...
The problems do not create the Syndicate. So far if I was confronted, created and caused by others who have proven completely unable to address the needs of creating change on the management personnel who have caused enormous damage the results of which are visible to everyone. Maybe then the union does not address them as it should, and here come the differences.
Assembly (there were a hundred or so colleagues for over six hundred employees) have submitted two proposals: the first of the CGIL and CISL who asked to approve the establishment of the Fund
tout court, the second of the ILO, Fenal / DICCAP and RDB / USB proposing the reasons already given at the time of the (not repeat them, you can read them here
and have had the honor of being An article on the subject of provincial pages of "La Stampa" of Friday, January 7). It is open to debate and eventually everyone, including CGIL and CISL, voted the second proposal with this statement in the minutes proposed by Piccinini on behalf of Fenal / DICCAP: "The RSU and the secretariats of the provincial trade union organizations, following the mandate given by the assembly of workers held on 20.12.2010 calling - from 2011 - the re-discussion:
- the criteria for the allocation of organizational positions through special announcements and subsequent comparative procedures that ensure full transparency and participation;
- system of continuous assessment for awarding productivity bonuses economic and progressions horizontal
- the criteria for the allocation of specific responsibilities pursuant to Art. 17 paragraph 2, lett. f) 01.04.1999 CCNL and art. 36, paragraph 2 CCNL 22.01.2004.. "
In any case, it is undeniable that in all their work colleagues have asked for more severe and firmness in dealing with the other, just as time was called for here and how did the independent trade union is Fenal / DICCAP both RDB / USB.
on these things back.
Finally, it begins to take shape the new macrostructure.
For now been appointed the new Director General who is dr. Mogni who had already served in that office during the administration Scagni City.
We'll see. We would only, for now, to remind him that an account has been Director (and so far in this role seems not to have done wrong: from this point on could have a big party for the recovery of the rules in the Palace) is another to be the General Manager, that is one thing and one thing to be cardinal to be pope
"O Muses, O high genius, now assist me
mind or write down what I saw, here
thy nobility shall be manifest."
father Dante writes at the beginning of The song of the canticles of the Divine Comedy.
E 'necessary, in particular the uniformity of character and action, not bitterness and jump shots. Above all, a calm detachment by all the entourages starting with the more immediate future.
Otherwise, they said our elders, it was like a horse "Balzani four" which could also be samples, but ....