Vajassa yyyy 'tbsp? We never made any secret of our sympathy for Partenope and Naples. We firmly believe that one of the few cities in the world that has produced and produces culture. These days, a period of Neapolitan dialect is risen "gloriously" in the news. Here's how Goffredo Buccini November 22 last spoke on the "Corriere del
NAPLES - I sing / comm beautiful and Vertol / s' the vajasse / de Chesta mentioned. For an honorable peace, after all, just browse a classic of seventeenth-century Naples, the Vajasseide, praise the beauty and virtues of the Neapolitan folk composed by Giulio Cesare Cortese, contemporary Giambattista Basile, Shakespeare in the Vesuvian The must Cunto de li Cunti. But the text obviously must be missing from the library of Alessandra Mussolini: "We do not try '." In that sense, please? "Do not even try to tell me that vajassa is a good word, to justify that there! I understand that you want to save because he is a minister. " Chi, Carfagna? "Oh, that. Let me happens in front of Parliament, we must veni 'in Parliament, or not? ". Well, it's likely ... "And when I see it, the insult to his eyes staring straight into those that, later, will be even more wide open."
Tabarin in our local politics was just not to miss even the latter number, brawl between two stereotypes of Naples, the alpha and omega of our male imagination: the filiform noblewoman who seems to be moving on a cushion of air and common people from which the flesh is expected to hit the hip with each step (a move to Loren, to understand, unforgettable vajassa of Neapolitan Carousel and not coincidentally aunt of Alexandra). So here is that Mara, between a sigh and a disturbance (on the bill for December 15 its exit from the house of his father, the PDL), threw out the stab in the middle of an interview with the Morning: "Those like her in Naples vajasse call them. " Why, with those who have it? But with the sulfur granddaughter of Il Duce, of course, guilty of having captured with a Click malandrino his cordial conversation between the benches of the House with Italo Bocchino, who was once a s ua ncora in waves of political opponents and now it should be, as leader of the Praetorian Guard of Gianfranco Fini. Mara does not forgive, "Act of very bad taste ... that befits the person who has committed, "vajasse stuff, indeed. All hell broke loose. "Vajassa yyyy 'tbsp? '.
Roberto De Simone, one of the few myths still survived the slow decomposition of Naples, leafing with a bit of irony, his dictionary of Naples oldest, Raffaele D'Andra edition 1878: "Let's see ... essentially meant maid ... Well, even old maid, ugly and hacking is real. But the term has been stigmatized in its positive meaning by Cortese. " In Alessandra furious Goes to explain: "I know very well what it means vajassa! Even my mother is Neapolitan, were here, I would say. Donna Bass, servant means. Yet prostitute. " Indeed in Naples today, so far from metric Cortese, who tried to say vajassa a stab at some risk ... "When I read this stuff I was incredulos. Carfagna also said that she scribbles the horns on the posters ... "False this as well, that's enough! We'll meet in the House. " And of course, because the laws impose a revival of the show continuous and staged increasingly bold, that day, viewers will have no right to expect nothing less than a public quarrel scetavajasse punctuated by the hammer, with a background and a touch of Caccavella putipù, even with the inevitable accompaniment of characters always present, a weeping mother, father, half a cuckold, a badly that plots in secret ... Maybe it's all a cunning plan, which could serve to make Ammuina as in the days of King Frankie, maybe it's a team of strategists order Berlusconi: to defuse the dispute with Mara mammasantissima the PDL Campania on issues such as waste-heavy, what c 'is better than a good play dialect so mounted on two feet?
Mimmo De Masi, a sociologist and scholar of genius loci of the immaterial, shakes his head and laughs: "The Neapolitans are not born, their debut." And the play of Alex Mara and closely follows the canons of the great comedy Scarpetta, after all, seems a small piece of Poverty and Nobility, with its load of mistakes and misunderstandings. "Yes, because here are a sham and a fake vajassa noblewoman, the reversal of roles is perfect ... What makes the vajassa, which in fact plays the cafona, it is still the grandson of a piece of Italian history, the other is a small middle class that plays the great lady, "ponders wickedly De Masi: "Even the Almighty hath been fun to reverse roles, the physicist who has served at one another and vice versa." In Naples, the Almighty has made these jokes, you know. Because it is indisputable that Mara has spent the last year to amend its profile paparazzi girl, to shrink and become almost invisible, as befits a true lady. And it is the file the hard work to build the image of Alex 'spade a spade "so that now the offense. Unforgettable his TV appearances, that "better Fascists fags" shouted Vladimir Luxuria, a Communist Katia Belillo kick trimmed to the eyes of Vespa, the irony right reserved Bocchino at ("with that last name should be more careful.") A myth. Even the tax collectors rebelling vajasse that started the revolution Masaniello would plug one of them, without knowing, poor things, they have fallen on Seriously.
For those who want to know more, here's how to O 'Puosto (site Neapolitan) Amedeo Messina studied the period covered by the contest with a post with the significant title
Genealogy of vaiassa
The language of Naples has many words to say a name with the activity we now call the family together. A list is certainly not complete, it must at least be servant vaiassa, criata, zambracca, Femmene 'and Services, Cammack. In this list only to vaiassa seem to give rise to uncertainty, both as regards its origin, and because it has more than one meaning, designating the kitchen maid at the same time coarse and plebeian sbraitante rissaiola and that the street its shad. On the origin of the term there is no agreement, except that the Latin Bassus nothing to do with, because in classical times it was used only in the area bell as family name and age with the meaning of Barbarian corpulent or obese person. There is, therefore, the proper role of servant. While
to emerge from the fog has etymological went, as did D'Ascoli, a strange and immediate equivalence bagasse which has the meaning of whore. What is puzzling because, while I understand that this is an age in history when women could not force them to survive and honesty that there was, so to speak, an absolute failure of the female workforce, it seems unlikely that in did you get home, like nothing had happened, an opera by providing a dual function as engaged in sexual and domestic services. Moreover it is assigned an epithet that was then in the public domain and for her infamous.
The ridge is reached, however, with Guaraldi that, in his "The Neapolitan dialect" (Naples, 1982), even asserts that "vaiassa" word is born to corruption of "whore" as if it was legitimate or normal, between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, taking sluts giving it to expedite the work in house. Action that might have been worthwhile in terms of public morality, but to arrive at the passage of a common semantics, it involves a practice devoted and shared, totally unknown to us, parallel to what they were doing in the meantime, the citizens welcomed many monasteries "repent".
vaiassa If the term to mean both the maid who gives up his body on loan there will certainly be a before and after, it is not conceivable double performance since the birth of the word. In addition, if the word means a servant, nothing but common sense takes a birthright of "vaiassa" in that direction and then use his fall when he began to show even a whore, it is not feasible otherwise. And finally, D'Ascoli, perhaps to give us a funny note, draws from his classical readings of the soldier cylinder Punic Bagasus , handed in his poem by Silius Italico (V, 410), without even telling us if it considers that there may be relationship between the hero and the paper vaiassa . What
between the two terms there has been close, in addition to rhyme, it is not doubtful, however, the diversity and semantics we are documented by their own contemporary persistence use both in the texts. The large Cortese seeks early seventeenth century is that vaiassa baiassa , (and indeed also the male and vaiasso vaiassone ), sometimes with derogatory value but never comes over the direction of servaccia or does not go until the change of its functional prostitute. Meaning that belongs to the whole, however, the bagasse, which appears to cite a single example of nell'Antiprologo "Chandler" of Giordano Bruno, a comedy in 1582 and a masterpiece of Renaissance theater.
Wanting to give my readers a few brief moments of joy will not fail to make informed intellectual honesty Francesco D'Ascoli, giving the prints '' A Malafemmena "(Naples, 2003), wanted to revise what he had written in the New vaiassa Neapolitan dialect vocabulary (Naples, 1993), stating that" It is not easy, indeed it is impossible, give a plausible explanation of this term and final. Meaning, you know, is "it", but the source remains quite mysterious. [...] The word is said related with "whore" in turn from the Provençal bagasse which has been the respectable age of at least 4,000 years [sic! ] "(P. 132).
I'm running to cancel because the D'Ascoli had to write in that lemma of his vocabulary and now I'm struck, however, a certainty. The recent correction is wrong of the same old mistake. Okay call into question shaky security, guaranteed only by the ink printing, and therefore should also give a good reason. Who and how he received that grace amended? How this came to his remorse? Scientific research proceeds, it is true, for conjectures and refutations, however, if they both give information and not fleeting and unwarranted praise.
addition, immediately after that awful "is called" the good reader learns that the Provencal Dascoli bagasse would have at least four thousand years. That is not a misprint is demonstrated by the presence of the respectable age " and therefore must believe that the D'Ascoli considers the Provencal language in use for 40 centuries, or that the word in question is present in the lexicons of ancient Akkadian those known to us. We all know that the bagasse is considered by historians as the oldest profession in the world, but that we can not believe that it is also a term with which he is appointed and arrived in Provence! However, I think very likely that the D'Ascoli to give us this news in his next job.
This word appears to have in the language of 'oc the original meaning of "Borsacchio", coming from the bag + -assa to offer a synecdoche euphemistic that despises the body worn, instead of the woman who was abused for business or for pleasure. What is certain is that the word has always maintained a very negative meaning in modern French as in Italian and Neapolitan, at least in appointing a woman coarseness and immorality. The twentieth century has provided us with literary as well, with "whore", a variation in the male homosexual prostitute, as, for example, in '"Electra" by Gabriele D'Annunzio (The silence of the city. Perugia, IV , 1). In short, nothing can put the bitch in the relationship with the Neapolitan v Aiassa .
For lovers of the Neapolitan language should not be overlooked as the D'Ambra, and below the Altamura, the Santella and D'Ascoli, showing, after the motto of "vaiassa," a vague baassa from Arabic origin, which however do not provide even the original meaning. In fact, the D'Ambra had to take that guesswork out of XXXIII Dissertation "Italian Antiquity" by Ludovico Antonio Muratori, who, wondering sull'etimo "low" with the meaning a little higher, lower, lowly, depressed, mean, com 'is also in French and English bas basis, rejected suggestions that they wanted the birth of the greek or latin basis Bassus , suggesting its origin from baassa . However
this word, which in Arabic means the person who humbles himself, bows low, falls at the feet of someone as a sign of humility or submission, and in Italian, in the opinion of the great scholar Vignola, generated terms like "knock," " low "and" lower ", as everyone can see has no semantic relation to" vaiassa. Is rather singular that neither the D'Ambra, nor Altamura or Santella D'Ascoli and his entourage gregarious, have been able to discern the source of baassa avascular = lower; vasco = 1. room floor, no sun, and air services, for centuries home and workshop of the poor people, 2. low 3. down, down , and vasciaiola = woman who lives in a vasco, tongue and quarrelsome. We therefore recognize
D'Ascoli with the inability to offer a credible explanation to the term "vaiassa" and to throw light on its origin remains so mysterious? I think not and I believe that being able to provide a good reason. The emeritus Raffaele D'Ambra, so often plundered and insulted too many times, even from D'Ascoli accused of being "scorrettissimo, incurring favorable intuitions, even if not always put to good use or do not give sufficient consideration . In addition to baassa , in his "Dictionary Neapolitan-Tuscan" (Naples, 1873, p. 388), he advances the hypothesis that "vaiassa" would have originated from the Latin word " Baiul with the Greek word -assa" = the bearer of something heavy on your back or arm.
I must emphasize, against that assertion, that the suffix-assa is widely documented in the whole Mediterranean area, even before the spread of Hellenic culture and its dialects, identified with the voice-Akkadian to heave characterize the feminine, to the point that linguists use it to see in the Hellenic names with that ending an obvious source pregreca. He added that there is a verb in Akkadian Babalu with the meaning of conduct, carry, which indeed strongly resembles the Latin b IALU that has the same meaning.
However, the second clause of the D'Ambra, stated and put it on par with that dell'etimo Arabic, he has abandoned the chance of further research, when he had to make one step forward to solve the riddle. The natural weight that she carries in her womb, in the arms or neck is in fact his child. Ben others in history has caused her to wear and, among these, surely there's a mother to her baby who relies on it to give him his milk and then weaned and to care for. And then the Baiul, with fall of 'u' and a first metathesis becomes nurse, and in Naples in time, or vail valla and then baiassa vaiassa and, after a likely intermediate baillassa of which I was able to find certificates.
Perhaps it's also mention of a St. Baiul, I do not know if patron of nurses or the porters, whose martyrdom is celebrated on December 20. Soon it was that material was added to the burden borne by the moral and metaphorical words were born then as Baiul, whom Dante strives to be the bearer of the imperial eagle (Paradise, VI, 73) and to call the seven kings of Rome "almost Baiul and guardians of his childhood" (Convivio, IV, V, 11), and Balio used to designate the husbands of nurses, the teachers and tutors. And then, of a weight by weight is reached to give the Balio who had to pay overtime to a judicial office or a territorial government with civil authorities and the courts. So it was that the title of bailo , note the second metathesis, were sent to the court of Byzantium, the ambassador of the Republic of Venice and Florence.
Past in the French language, first with b = ailler wearing the term became baile = governor, who was heading soon given to ministers, rulers and grandees. From baile Bailli ran to, highest degree and in many religious orders of chivalry, and then Baillie and was in the form of mercy that the word came back to Italy with the meaning of absolute power, full lordship authoritarian subjects all at the mercy of someone or something. That's bailiff was later appointed director of the office for which, the feudal order, was placed at the head of an entire territorial jurisdiction.
in Angevin Naples baiulus the term is attested in documents from 1269 onwards with the meaning of director of revenue, census and taxes of the king. "Curia Baiul of "the court was told strategic administrative jurisdiction over crimes with TiVo-ing the assets of an entity does not exceed three ducats. Baillie The first residence was in the surviving portico of the Temple of Castor and Pollux, or at the stairs of the church of Saint Paul Major, then in an alley adjacent to the St. Joseph district.
The need to bring together in one building in the various courts scattered along the way, is no coincidence that today still bears the name of the courts in the plural, in 1540 also brought the Baglivi in Castelcapuano.
The transfer of place names innovation led to a court, so we went Baglivo to say the court, but then called Baglivo V aglivo the site that still retains the name St Joseph in the district. The thing has its own demonstration that distinguishes literary Giambattista Basile in his Neapolitan Muse (1635), between "the Baglivi" (Clio, v. 214) and "the Baglivo (Terpsichore, v. 20), or between ' office where a complaint or to expect justice and the urban space that housed the first. Since, however, for almost five centuries, there are no more court buildings in the ancient decuman, to no avail this road is still called the Courts. Full recovery climate in the historical center of Naples, it would therefore be lawful beautiful and restore it to its previous name because of the sun and moon.
Turning now to the hypothesis that the Baiul mercy has given us and valla , one might ask why vaiassa then ceased to be any relationship between wearing the carrier and its port, to mean only the first the attendant and after the coarse plebeian. What can be explained, in my opinion, with the continuation of the Latin NUTRIX = nursing mother, feeds, breeds and you said and it keeps saying in Naples nutriccia . Two words designating the same function as were excessive and that was how divorced soon, at least I believe, the one remaining only for the nurse and the other to mean servant.
role, the latter, which was again displaced to make room first, with the arrival of the Spaniards, the criata, and then, with the triumph of the bourgeoisie toscaneggiante from Cammack. Forcibly removed from its place of operation, vaiassa not remain a voice of protest in the streets, standing above his insults with the other women of warehouses and bass, and to make appìcceche dragged in revuoto make a whole district, so as to inspire even a Vaiasseide Giulio Cesare Cortese who gave it to the press in 1612 and his eighth were listened to with great relish by the courts, have fun the parody of the noble heroes servile proposed by any epic celebration.
I hope I have clarified the origins of Baiul, nursed from the valley and the old sense of the word "vaiassa. His long journey also allows us to understand that I may not have ever happened in the masculine form of "vaiasso. Divergent destinies by "bringing" the original. In Naples, things have not gone elsewhere and vaiassa has followed one of his parables, except that of vastaso and nutriccia . All three share the misfortune that strikes in Naples who has to work, no matter how muscular or giving their own milk. Only under other skies could happen that porters and nurses, with time, were in power everything and everyone. But these are stories of words and, ultimately, there can not complain, if not deeds.
Also on wikipedia there is a page dedicated to this word: here.