Monday, September 29, 2008

Symptoms Of A Glandular Problem

The Jesuits are the actual controllers spirutuali de NWO

Greg Szymanski

September 25, 2006

Former Bishop Gerard Bouffard of Guatemala said that the Vatican and
'"the real spiritual controller" of
Illuminati and New World Order, while the Jesuits through the Pope
Nero, the father general Peter Hans Kolvenbach, in
effectively control the Vatican hierarchy and the Roman Catholic Church.

Bishop Bouffard, who left the Church and now and '
a born-again Christian who lives in Canada, he founded his
conclusion after working six years as a priest in
Vatican, charged with the task of transmitting
daily mail and confidential between the Pope and the leaders of the Jesuit Order
that resides Borgo Santo Spirito in No. 5,
near the Piazza di San Pietro.

"Yes, the man known as the Black Pope controls all the most '
important decisions taken by the Pope
and these in turn controls the Illuminati," said Bishop Bouffard
last week during the show held at the
Greg Szymanski's radio, called "Investigative journalism" at, where the archives of the amazing
statements can be heard in their entirety.

"I know this' real, since I have worked for years in
Vatican and traveled with Pope John Paul II.
The Pope takes his marching orders from the Pope Black, while the Jesuits
are also leaders of the New World Order, with the task of infiltrating
other religions and governments of the world,
in order to achieve a single world government and a fascist
single world religion based on Satanism and Lucifer. "

" People can not imagine how bad and how much destruction
the Jesuits have caused and will cause, while simultaneously using

the perfect cover to hide behind black robes and professing to be men of God

The first hand knowledge on the part of Bishop Bouffard
the evil that lingers within the hierarchy of the Vatican and
particularly within the Jesuit Order confirms
testimony of other researchers, including Bill Hughes, author of
disturbing books "The enemy is not masked and
" Terrorists secrets "as well as the pre-eminent researcher on
'Jesuit Order Eric Jon Phelps, author of
" Vatican Assassins. "

Besides painting a dark portrait of the Black Pope in Rome, Bishop Bouffard
reveals that the evil power of the Jesuits
extends from one end of the world, including a solid
infiltration of the U.S. government, the Council on Foreign Relations
Foreign (CFR) and major religious organizations.

Bishop Buffard proclaims that Jesus acts as the perfect
chameleons, taking the 'identity' of Protestants, Mormons, Baptists and Jews
, with the 'intention of causing the collapse of the U.S.
so' as to bring the nation under a single world religion
, founded in Jerusalem under the supervision of their leader

"I know first hand that the Vatican controls and monitors every
thing in Israel, with the intention of destroying the Jews," he
said Bishop Bouffard, adding that the real purpose of the Jesuit Order and
to orchestrate and control all the world leaders in order to provoke a conflict
piu'importante extended to the whole world, which eventually
destroy' the U.S., the Middle East and Israel. "They
destroy everything inside and want to cause destruction
well the Catholic Church itself, in order to
usher in a single world religion based on Satanism.
This' is also seen in the way the priests perform the services
men in the Mass, in fact worshiping the dead (1).
also signs of Satanism are seen in many outward symbols, customs and vestments
performed by the Church. "

After serving in Rome, Bishop Bouffard
was used in Africa and in Guatemala, rising to a position of power within the Church
. However, with this
religious power, there came the 'affiliation and registration as
Freemason, and became a member of the Masonic
degree, something that is supposed disapproved
Roman Catholic Church, since, according to Canon Law,
membership of a Masonic Lodge implies'
immediate excommunication.

According to Bishop Bouffard
Freemasonry is used by the Church to carry out his plans secret, 'cause many other priests
high level, that bishops, cardinals and even popes,
you are registered to companies' secret with others in
positions of power in other religions and governments, most of them
working together to promote the evil agenda of the Illuminati.

And his statements supporting the reports that surfaced on
Italian and French newspapers in the early '80s, which went
news of more 'than 150 priests of the high-ranking members
Freemasonry including the Masonic Lodge P2, and other companies

"In the end I re-arose as a Christian and denounced the Catholic Church,"
said Bishop Bouffard, who is now '
practitioner and a Christian following the word of God through the Bible. "We
always pray for our leaders, denouncing the evil and openly
exposing the Jesuits for what they really are."

After leaving the Church, Bishop Bouffard also made amends and asked
lost to 'former Jesuit priest, Father Alberto Rivera
. Rivera's father was one of the few Jesuit priests
with the courage to expose the evil purposes of the Company '
of Jesus' taking a step forward to proclaim how
work, being one of the infiltrators' Order of the Jesuits in
U.S. with the task of penetrating
Baptist and Protestant churches, with the intent to destroy them from within.

"When I was a bishop and still faithful to the Church, once
wrote a letter denouncing his father proposing
Rivera and his death," said Bishop Bouffard. "When I understood
the truth ', I tried Rivera father and asked his forgiveness. We became
good friends and I know he was telling the truth '. It was an honest man,
which, moreover, I find 'God'

"I know that the Jesuits tried to alter the truth ',
stating that he had never been
priest and destroying any documentation should be presented. They tried to do the same
to me, but Father Rivera proclaimed the truth 'without doubt.
know these events as a witness and I was also
with him several weeks before his death.
suffered terribly after being poisoned with acid. As I 'said,
can not imagine the suffering and destruction that was caused
and will be caused by the Jesuits. "

In an article entitled" Alberto: the big fuss, "
an unknown writer, who followed the career of Bishop Bouffard
and its connection with Rivera's father, wrote the following
, including the difficulty 'by the Vatican in trying to censor
allegations that both Rivera Bouffard of:

"At that point takes over avvalorante
testimony provided by his father Gerard Bouffard. He was a high-ranking bishop
born in Quebec, Canada. Salt 'by more' low levels of its
order to become an assistant for many years as Pope Paul VI and John Paul II
. He converted 'to Protestantism and
proclaims that he was the man who received the' order to remove Rivera. In a documentary called
"Unraveling the mystery behind the symbols
Catholics," Bouffard
pen shows a luxurious 18-karat gold plated, which contains a special ink that disappears
, with which the authorities' of the Holy Office
sign the documents at the highest level of secrecy . Bouffard proclaims:
"With this pen in my hand I
signed the order to kill Dr. Rivera".
significant and dramatic story of swashbuckling! His previous high-profile position would make him an easy target for discrediting
... However, the silence and
'deafening. "

" The Vatican also has its own problems of credibility' with
to fight. From a historical context for the proclamation of Alberto
that he was a Jesuit who worked in secret for
destroy Protestant churches and 'so far-fetched as it might seem
. The Jesuits were created in 1541 by De
Ignatius Loyola for that very purpose (although, of course
, some Jesuits deny what '). They are committed
in countless dirty tricks, assassinations and conspiracies
treacherous during the period of their greater success and power. "

The Office of the Inquisition was a result of their mission, which
port 'of torture and / or killing
of millions of innocent people for "heresy".

that department since then, and 'was renamed as "The Holy Office", but the Jesuits
They never worried about a name change. How
their goals have changed with the passage of time and '
also uncertain. Ne 'organization and' very transparent nor
serves the interests of the Pope
The bad reputations are not easily forgotten.

"If the story of Alberto was just a hype, but would
a brilliant piece of fiction, with astonishing consistency
. There are certainly other conspiracies that are
been devised, which are equally vivid and intricate.
The plot for ' JFK assassination and that of
UFO / Majestic 12 (2) come first to mind.
But these conspiracies were conceived and perfected by hundreds
of people over a long period of time,
then assembled and finished to the point where
formed a plausible narrative. After twenty years of
"public inputs" and revisions, is adopted version
semi-"official". If any particular part of it is
proved false, the version is changed into a slightly different form
, private parties refuted. "

Alberto had none of these resources.
His personal story came from him alone. It does not
was revised and refined over decades by the committee, before the Chick
published. Instead it was published in its entirety
and only then enriched with additional volumes (Five more '
the comics), adding names and dates but no retractions.
If in fact "had invented everything '," then he certainly deserves an award for
literary genius. Especially since most
'weaves his personal biographies are linked
(fly, Baron von Munchausen?).

After twenty years of investigation, all the resources of the Pope
are not able to "prove" that the complaint Alberto was a fake. Of course, even
Alberto succeeded 'to "prove" his allegations against the Vatican
. So, at best, and the contest '
still a tie. Perhaps future developments will yield some dramatic event
. But do not rely on it. Probably not
'll never know if Alberto was really
character who claimed to be, unless the Pope to take a step
clear and clean, and confess. (And what 'has about the same odds'
to occur as those which a flying saucer landing on the lawn of the White House
). It, however, and 'precisely
delicious food for meditation, and much more' terrifying than any
trailer broadcast on X-files.

To read a defense of Alberto from the Chick site, go to:

Throughout history the 'Order of the Jesuits and' connected
to war and genocide, and was formally launched
from many nations, including France and England. While researchers
proclaim that the Jesuits are the real spiritual controllers of
New World Order, the writer Phelps has also claimed
the announcement of 'Order of this nation.

However, with more 'than 28 universities' more from coast to coast,
the' Order has been here a strong base of political support and financial
, including the secret control of the CFR
and control of many banks, such as "Bank of America" \u200b\u200band the "Federal Reserve
banking system", making the appeal for Phelps
call a difficult task, if not prohibitive.

Greg Szymanski

Translator's notes:
1) are not justified for the Protestants and the cult of holy images
2) in 1987 he learned of a mysterious and secret
group of 12 counselors, who reported directly to the only U.S. president
on topics related to UFOs

translation of Francesco Caselli

Urethral Opening Wart

vase with the first reference to Christ

found a vase with the first written reference to Christ

The finding, discovered in the waters of the Mediterranean, has a written "Through Christ the magician" and dates back to before 50 AD

MADRID (SPAIN) - The waters of the Mediterranean returned an ancient vase from Asia Minor and dated first century BC. The finding bears an inscription in greek: "Dia Christou or goistais.

The writing dates back to before 50 AD, according to experts could be translated: "For Christ the magician". The French archaeologist Franck Goddio fascinating hypothesis is that this is the earliest reference to Jesus ever found. "Christ was considered the greatest exponent of white magic," said Goddio the English newspaper "El Mundo".

DATING - And the English newspaper recalled that the first letter of St. Paul in which the apostle refers to his teacher is dated 51 AD Therefore, if the Egyptologists' calculations are correct, the written references to Christ should be moved back at least a year. The vessel is on Wednesday in the English capital, where he will be on display until November 26 in the exhibition "Egypt's Sunken Treasures" exhibition at the Matadero Legazpi. For transportation of the exhibit, which traveled along with a team of Egyptologists and members of the government of Cairo, at which the vessel belongs, have been set up tight security. For many years Goddio, born in Casablanca in 1947 and president of the European Institute of Underwater Archaeology, plumbs the depths of the stretch of coast in front of Alexandria and Aboukir Bay, near the delta of the Nile.

His theory is that the ancient cities of this region of Egypt, on all Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great between 332 and 331 BC, are sunk into the sea due to the weight of the magnificent temples and palaces built on land muddy. Another theory comes to an earthquake. But if uncertainty remains about the causes, underwater exploration led by Goddio in nearly two decades of work have led to extraordinary discoveries. The first discoveries date back to 1996, but it was in 2000 that the archaeologist who announced to the world less than 10 feet below the surface of the sea was a large city, and that in his temples and monuments located by electronic sensors had belonged to Alexandria.

FINDS - Since the discovery of remains have never been broken: the ground were reported statues of Isis and granite sphinxes, up to this vessel and those words about Christ, called the magician. One hypothesis is that the vessel was used in divination rituals: you pour the oil, and the "curve" drawn from the liquid were performed by a haruspex. The inscription, Christ could be the name of the celebrant, or may indicate the Messiah by the wizard invoked to legitimize his supernatural powers. "The port of Alexandria was related to Palestine - says Goddio fact - and it is very likely that Egypt knew of the existence of Christ and the miracles that were allocated. " The other hypothesis is that the vase was a gift for a man named Christos, maybe members of a group called ogoistais, in reference to a deity called the Ogo. Sure, it's much less evocative.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Replacement Bulb Fro Ikea Stranne Lamp


E 'known that the discovery of Pluto (C. Tombaugh, 1930) was not carried out optically, based on observation of the sky, but mathematically, deriving from the orbital perturbations of Uranus and Neptune, and only later discovered this was confirmed by the telescope.

In 1972, examining the trajectory of Comet Halley, J. Brady (of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory - California) discovered that the orbit of this comet, like those of Uranus and Neptune, was "disturbed". His calculations led him to hypothesize the existence of a planet "X" at a distance of 64 AU (°) from the Sun (Pluto is 39), with orbital period of 1800 Earth years ....

Brady, as all astronomers who were occupying the planet "X", presumed that this celestial body orbiting the Sun in the same manner as the other planets, therefore, quantifying the distance from our star is equal to half of its axis Orbital greater. This is in agreement with Kepler's second law ("The areas described by the radius vector is proportional to the time spent describing them), that is to say that a planet moves more slowly as it's far from their sun. In our system, eg., Mercury goes from fast (it takes just under three months to make its own revolution around the Sun) Pluto to slow (more than 247 years).

But, according to the testimonies of the Sumerians, Nibiru orbits like a comet around the Sun, the latter being one of the focuses of its extremely elongated ellipses, so that the distance from Sun consists of the major axis and not its middle. It 'interesting that the orbit of the planet "X" calculated by Brady (1800 a.) the orbit is exactly half of 3600 a. attributed to the Sumerians Nibiru. We recall that (in the thesis of Z. Sitchin, described in Genesis Rivisited, 1990) the trajectory of the orbit of Nibiru, at this time would be returning to the perigee: this could justify the strange coincidence ...?

But Brady came to further conclusions, in line with the Sumerian traditions: the planet "X" would be equipped, like Pluto, in a retrograde orbit, the plan strongly inclined to the ecliptic.

early astronomers questioned whether the head of the perturbations in the orbit of Uranus and Neptune would be Pluto, since the substantial eccentricity of its orbit allows it to penetrate inside the orbit of Neptune periodically (a situation of this kind started in '79 and ended in '99). These doubts vanished in June 1978, when W. Christie (Naval Observatory in Washington, an agency of the U.S. Navy under the direct control of NASA) discovered that Pluto, in addition to possessing a satellite (Charon), was much smaller than than previously thought (less than 2 / 3 of the Moon) and then with a mass not in a position to exercise significant influence of gravity.

processing of all these data reinforced the indication that a single "outside force" - the "planet dell'attraversamento "of the Sumerians - Uranus had tilted, moved and tilted Pluto and Triton also impressed a retrograde orbit (a satellite of Neptune).

Intrigued by these findings, two colleagues from Christie W. Naval Observatory (RSHarrington and TCVan Flaandern) conducted a long series of computer simulations, reaching the conclusion that all these orbital anomalies were determined by an "intruder", that is from a planet (great for two to five times the Earth) with the orbital plane tilted and a semiaxis of "less than 100 AU.

In 1981, the data collected during the missions of Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and Voyager of the two proved the accuracy of these insights: There was a heavenly body, at least twice as great on Earth, in solar orbit at a distance of at least 2.4 billion kilometers beyond Pluto and the orbital period of at least 1000 years. The "Detroit News" of January 16, 1981 published the news on the front page, along with the Sumerian depiction of the solar system, as it appears on the famous cylinder seal, kept in the Berlin Museum, with N ° VA/243.

At this point a turning point in the research was impressed by the "Project IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), namely the infrared exploration of the solar system by launching into Earth orbit at 900 km altitude of a telescope ( 60 cm aperture, 62 infrared detectors on four spectral bands between 8.5 and 119 mm / l), sensible heat contained in the interior of substellar bodies.

was January 25, 1983, when the Vandenberg base in California set off the American carrier Delta 3910 carrying 500 kg of payload, the result of cooperation USA-England-Holland. In order to minimize the emission of radiation parasite, its instrumentation, the whole was placed in a cryostat containing superfluid liquid helium to -271 ° C: it was essential, in fact, the cooling of the telescope and detectors at the lowest temperature possible. He

As the highly volatile liquid is slowly evaporated, leading to the inactivation IRAS November 21 1983, prolonging the mission of more than a month and a half of schedule. In the ten months of operation, the satellite eliosìncrono snapped and sent to the control center 600,000 images, from which emerged the identification processing of 250,000 celestial sources of infrared type (99% of them previously unknown), stars and planetary systems education (age < 1 milione di anni), cinque nuove comete, quattro nuovi asteroidi e un misterioso oggetto in movimento, simile ad una cometa.

All this time, does justice to R. Reynolds (Ames Research Center), January 30, 1983 which issued a statement to the New York Times "like," Astronomers are so confident of the tenth planet think remains only to give him a name. "prediction, this made their by Z. Sitchin in his letter the next day to the Planetary Society, "in which he even suggested the name: the same given in due course, by the Sumerians (Nibiru) or by the Babylonians (Marduk).

Which, to this day, it was repeated by J. Murray (of the UK's Open University), who, together with his colleague J. Matese (University of Louisiana), made the announcement in October 99 that "... a mysterious force, generated by a large invisible object, it slows down the journey of the probes land out of the solar system, the same which is probably responsible for the deviation of the orbits of comets ...." But

back to 1983. Towards the end of that year, without public announcement, a rumor could leak out during an interview given by leading scientists heading the project IRAS scientific "Washington Post". The news was picked up by several U.S. newspapers, the headlines: "Subject giant confuses astronomers", "mysterious body found in space", "The limits of the solar system object is a mysterious giant," "A heavenly body poses a puzzle to astronomers cosmic. " When pressed, G. Neugebauer, IRAS Director, said: "I can only say that we do not know what it is." Subsequently, NASA also came out with an official report: "The mysterious body found dall'IRAS extends" only "80 billion km from the Sun and may be in the approach to the Earth. It 'was captured twice by the infrared telescope (at six months) and the data show that in this period, although for very short times astronomical, has moved slightly in its path. This shows that it is not of a comet because a comet can not be larger than 5x the Earth and in any case, would move more. E 'can, therefore, it is the tenth planet or planet X "that astronomers have so far searched in vain"

freely drawn from
